Booba unhappy with the Russian boycott by Puma… he makes threats!

A message as enigmatic as it is mysterious about the rapper’s real intentions, which here pushes the concept of political neutrality to the extreme. He had already been torn in the same way with the much criticized philosopher and writer – under the influence of legal cases – Tariq Ramadan in 2014 about the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. He then inveighed on Instagram: “All those who believe they are helping Palestine with Instagram posts, Facebook posts, etc., you really are sorry, you hypocrites. No politics here. If you want to help, get in the field, bunch of truffles, or else shut up forever!

Behind this apparent neutrality, the interpreter of the title scarface nevertheless seems very complacent with the policy of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, who is increasingly described as a dictator by the political world. Also in the process he published a video of the far-right candidate François Asselineau criticizing, on the set ofWe are not in bed in front of Léa Salamé, the NATO organization. “It was 7 years ago, François Asselineau made an unstoppable synthesis on the consequences of belonging to NATO. And the facts show that he was right. An ally who sends no soldiers into the field but sends support hashtags is almost an enemy. Either you help the bugger or you don’t help him and shut up. At this time Zelensky [le président ukrainien, NDLR] can file a complaint for ‘failure to assist a person in danger’” he added in comment in addition to the hashtag “NATO takes the wind.”

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