Booba threatens Cyril Hanouna after the attacks of two columnists

Very friendly with Cyril Hanouna, Booba has appeared several times on the program “Touche pas à mon poste” on C8. But the famous rapper has just warned the host that he could well return to the program to settle accounts with certain columnists…

Booba, who recently announced the end of his contract with the equipment supplier Puma because he did not like the fact that the brand took a stand in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, is indeed annoyed that the columnists allow themselves to judge his decision. On several occasions, Géraldine Maillet declared live on set that the choice of Booba was a disguised way of supporting the actions of Vladimir Poutine who decided to invade Ukraine on February 24.

“If I come back, it’s to put pies”
On Instagram, where he is very active in commenting on current events and tackling his many enemies, Booba then spoke. “Totalitarian regime, the same one that imposes the vaccination pass on us and that suppresses denouncing tweets. Cyril Hanouna, your show was nice, but if I come back, it’s to put cowboy pies and brushes, it’s the only way out” the rapper captioned a screenshot from the show.

Very upset, the father of the family added a layer of it by declaring “Unbearable that one” in the caption of a photo showing Géraldine Maillet and “He says only powdered poop” in the caption of a photo showing Matthieu Delormeau. If Cyril Hanouna has not yet spoken on the subject, we do know that he is very good friends with Booba and that he did not hesitate to defend him by restoring the truth about his way of thinking which, according to him, is far from being pro-Russian.

See also:

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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