Booba clashes severely with Stromae but is destroyed by Internet users!

Who happens to be the latest victim of Booba’s attacks? It’s Stromae! Indeed on instagram, the rapper posted a photo in which the Belgian artist appears in the company of Orelsan and Gims. To this shot is attached a scathing text which targets the interpreter of Formidable passed a few days ago in the JT presented by Anne-Claire Coudray on TF1.

“Three big shits and the other one he comes back bloated with xanax on TF1 he talks to us about his depression but brother the whole world is sinking we don’t give a damn about your life you use us what we didn’t wait for you to depress us we have no more freedom, go take your let’s hide and stay in bed!!! Oh I can’t take it anymore, sorry”, he dropped in legend.

Words that Internet users did not appreciate, visibly worn out by the repeated clashes of the 45-year-old artist. They commented en masse to express their displeasure.

“You will stay all alone all your life there, after a while ask yourself questions too”, “Inferiority complex”, “Why did you throw bouquets of flowers in an interview on Stromae some time ago and now you’re criticizing, what’s the matter with you?”, “Wow the stray bullets orel and stromae didn’t ask you for anything huh”, “Sooth your heart”, “You went strong on Stromae”, “Humanly you’re at puke”, “But go ahead shut your mouth seriously”, “But leave stromae on the other hand he makes his music quiet”, “You tire people”, “You have to leave Stromae and Orelsan out of this … they will never answer you. I’m a diligent pirate but the… would be to tell you that you’re kidding too!”, “It’s hot how embarrassing it is”, “The clashes were funny in 2013 but here we are in 2022”, could we read in the comments.

The line has been crossed!

To see also: “This manure”: Booba knocks out Franck Gastambide and balances on these 150,000 € lost because of him … Canal + gets involved


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