Booba accuses influencer Dylan Thiry of “child trafficking”, two deputies take legal action

The rapper broadcast, on Monday, audio recordings attributed to the Luxembourg influencer, in which the latter puts forward the idea of ​​promoting illegal adoptions of children, for a fee.

Launched on social networks, the conflict between rapper Booba and influencer Dylan Thiry took a politico-judicial turn on Wednesday, April 26. The deputies Arthur Delaporte (PS) and Stéphane Vojetta (Renaissance) announce that they have seized the public prosecutor of Paris after having learned of “suspicions of child trafficking” targeting Dylan Thiry. Contacted by franceinfo, the prosecution did not confirm the referral which targets this 28-year-old Luxembourg influencer, former reality TV candidate.

How did he end up in the sights of the two deputies? It all started on April 24. Rapper Booba, engaged for several months in a crusade to denounce the actions of certain influencers, broadcasts on social networks “audio recordings seeming to come from Mr. Dylan Thiry”, write Stéphane Vojetta and Arthur Delaporte in their referral, published on Twitter. “In these voice notes, Mr. Thiry indicates that he wishes to help a third party to “adopt” a child through a manifestly illegal act and in exchange for an economic consideration”, pursue those who are also the two rapporteurs of a law regulating the online influence sector.

Adoption assistance against “100,000 euros”

In these voice notes, which franceinfo could not verify, we hear the voice of a man presented by Booba as Dylan Thiry, developing a plan to get a little orphan girl out of Madagascar and bring her to Europe against remuneration. “I can get her to adopt (…) I tell them: ‘Come to Madagascar’ and they give me 100K [100 000 euros] and I do everything so that he can adopt”, can we hear. “I’m going to take the passport of a friend of mine who has a black daughter, he’s going to make a declaration of loss, and (…) I’m going back with her to Europe”, continues the recorded voice.

For the two deputies, “These declarations, if they were followed by effects, would amount to child trafficking”. Tuesday, before the two elected officials took legal action, Dylan Thiry reacted in a video posted on Instagram. He seems to confirm the authenticity of the videos: “I sent them to Sandra (…) who was my agent”, he explains, accusing him of having subsequently transmitted them to the collective AVI (Help for victims of influencers), officially supported by Booba. “Beware of those around you”, concludes the influencer who feels betrayed by this former relative. He also assures, still on Instagram: “These are just words, there was no deed.”

Dylan Thiry is also targeted by “five complaints for fraud and breach of trust”, reminded The Parisian (paid item) half April. He is notably accused of having embezzled money collected in the form of pots online with his humanitarian association. On his Instagram account, which has 1.6 million subscribers, he regularly performs during stays presented as humanitarian, in Senegal, Madagascar, or Turkey, where he went after the deadly earthquake. at the beginning of February.

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