“Bonjour-“Hi”” should be Montreal’s advertising slogan

The Office québécois de la langue française denounces in its latest study the fact that people who shop in Montreal are not greeted only in French. Apparently, adding “ Hi » to “Hello” is sacrilege.

At the same time, he affirms that people can be served in French in 98% of cases. It’s not perfect, but it’s not bad!

Politicians can talk as much as they want about the only official language, which is French, but they must recognize that Montreal is not a French-speaking city simply because they say it is. Let’s be realistic: Montreal (at least the center of the city, where all the tourists and businesses are) is bilingual/multilingual.

The province may be French, but the city is, in reality, international. The expression “Hello-Hi » should be used to promote the city as welcoming and inclusive.

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