Bon Jovi goes on tour

As announcements of cancellations of festivals, films and other cultural events add up due to the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, hard rock band Bon Jovi is going on tour.

André Duchesne

André Duchesne

The musical group from New Jersey indeed announces on its official website ( the start of an American tour in fifteen concerts to be given during the month of April 2022.

The tour is scheduled to begin in Omaha, Nebraska, on 1er April and ending April 30 in Nashville, Tennessee. Among other things, it must pass through Milwaukee, Tampa, Indianapolis, Houston and Dallas.

Tickets go on sale January 14.

In a statement released, band frontman Jon Bon Jovi said, “We have all missed the tour and we know that nothing can replace a live performance, both for fans and musicians. “

According to the website, Bon Jovi’s last tour dates back to 2019 to promote the album. This House is Not for Sale released three years earlier.

Finally, remember that Jon Bon Jovi, who will be 60 years old on March 2, was tested positive for COVID-19 on Saturday, October 30, 2021 before taking the stage of a show held in a hotel in Miami. The latter was then fully vaccinated.

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