bombings intensify in Khan Younes



Video length: 1 min

War between Hamas and Israel: bombings intensify in Khan Younes

War between Hamas and Israel: bombings intensify in Khan Younès – (Franceinfo)

Friday, December 8, Israeli bombings intensified on the town of Khan Younes (Gaza). The IDF also conducts operations in the Mediterranean.

Under the noise of the bombings, residents of Khan Younes (Gaza) inspect the debris of their building, Friday December 8. Amidst the rubble, they try to recover some things, despite the danger. A few blocks away, another knock sounded. In this city in the south of the Palestinian enclave, urban fighting is intense. At the hospital, the injured are flocking. Sitting on the ground, Palestinian children are examined by a doctor.

456 targets hit in Gaza in 24 hours

Israel wants to show the world that its army is making progress in destroying Hamas infrastructure, and claims to have struck 456 targets in Gaza in the last 24 hours. L’Hebrew State broadcasts images of strikes on the city of Khan Younes, as well as its naval operations carried out from the Mediterranean. Friday, December 8, early in the morning, the Israeli army carried out actions in a refugee camp in the West Bank.

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