bombings intensify in Gaza


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War between Israel and Hamas: bombings intensify in Gaza

War between Israel and Hamas: bombings intensify in Gaza – (FranceInfo)

While the truce ended on December 1, the Israeli army resumed bombings on Gaza. According to Hamas, 240 deaths have been reported since yesterday. For its part, Israel announces having struck more than 400 targets.

The south of Gaza under bombs and an entire neighborhood gone up in smoke in Khan Younes. Palestinians are forced to flee on foot or by car. “I am nine years old and a woman. Our homes were targeted and destroyed by incendiary weapons,” indicates a resident. Before the strike, residents gathered on a plot of land in front of their homes. Israel warned them of the bombing by message, as one woman whose house is in ruins explains: “They called our neighbor and told him ‘you and the Al Qedra family are targets. We are going to hit your houses and you should leave'”.

Hospitals in critical situation

The injured were transported to the Nasser hospital in Khan Younes. In this war which is restarting, the number of victims is skyrocketing. More than 240 and 650 injured in just 24 hours according to Hamas. The hospitals are full and the children are so numerous that the UNICEF spokesperson launches a desperate appeal: “This hospital cannot accommodate any more children with war injuries.” The Israeli army claims to have struck more than 400 targets in Gaza since the resumption of hostilities. Hamas announces that it has fired rocket barrages at several cities in Israel, including Tel Aviv, without causing any casualties.

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