bombings in kyiv during the visit of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres

The Ukrainian capital, kyiv, was the target of Russian strikes on Thursday evening April 28, in the middle of a visit by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. At least three injured are to be deplored, according to the mayor. Antonio Guterres “is safe”but “shocked”according to his teams.

>> War in Ukraine: what to remember from Thursday, April 28

On the spot, journalists saw a floor of a building on fire with black smoke billowing from shattered windows, while numerous police officers and emergency workers were present at the scene.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kouleba quickly denounced on Twitter a “heinous act of barbarism”indicating that the capital had been hit by cruise missiles. “Russia once again demonstrates its attitude towards Ukraine, Europe and the world”he added.

“This says a lot about Russia’s true attitude towards international institutions, about Russian leaders’ efforts to humiliate the UN and everything the organization stands for.”Volodymyr Zelensky said in a video posted on his Telegram channel.

“This is proof that we need a quick victory over Russia and that all civilized people must unite around Ukraine. We must act quickly. More weapons, more humanitarian efforts, more help”, added the head of the presidential administration, Andriï Iermak. He called for stripping Russia of its right of veto in the UN Security Council.

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