bombings continue on the Gaza Strip



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War between Israel and Hamas: bombings continue on the Gaza Strip

War between Israel and Hamas: bombings continue on the Gaza Strip – (FRANCE 2)

Article written by

France 2 – D. Schlienger, E. Leenhardt, A. Koselneff, @RevelateursFTV, J. Cordier

France Televisions

International pressure is increasing on Israel, as its army continues its bombings on the Gaza Strip on Saturday, November 4.

Screams, and “run for your life”, just a few meters from the largest hospital in Gaza, bodies lie on the ground: an ambulance was targeted. She was transporting wounded people to Egypt, according to Palestinian authorities. According to Israel, it was used by terrorists. An ambulance yesterday, a school today in the north of Gaza, where thousands of displaced people are taking refuge. There are around fifteen dead, according to Hamas, including children. “We want a truce, please, we are exhausted”deplores a resident.

The human toll is constantly getting worse

A human toll that continues to worsen. Nearly 9,500 dead according to Hamas. The response of the Jewish state lies in its images broadcast daily. No voice is openly raised to question this offensive. Despite pressing requests from the United States, Israel refuses any humanitarian truce until the hostages are released.

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