bombings continue on the Gaza Strip


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War between Israel and Hamas: bombings continue on the Gaza Strip

War between Israel and Hamas: bombings continue on the Gaza Strip – (franceinfo)

The Israeli army announces the sending of new ground troops to the Gaza Strip as the bombings continue, Sunday October 29.

After new strikes on Sunday October 29, victims continue to flock to this hospital in the south in the Gaza Strip. Other people look for people under the rubble of a house and only find bodies. “Everyone is for a ceasefire, with all the human and material losses, there is nothing left of Gaza”, deplores a resident. A few kilometers away, a neighborhood is nothing more than a vast field of ruins, the missiles have left almost nothing.

Access the underground tunnels

Despite the IDF’s evacuation orders, the Israeli army continues to shell the area. At the same time, Israel is strengthening its ground operations. Soldiers are fighting their way through devastated areas as the IDF seeks access to Gaza’s underground tunnel networks, from which Hamas is believed to direct its operations. Washington has called on Israel to distinguish between Hamas and civilians in Gaza.

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