Bombing of a hospital in Gaza | Trudeau is not ready to assign blame to anyone

(Ottawa) Unlike American President Joe Biden, the Prime Minister of Canada is not yet ready to believe the Israeli government’s version of the facts, according to which the missile which struck a hospital in Gaza did not come from Israeli forces.

Reiterating that he was “horrified” by the attack, Justin Trudeau said he wanted to read all the information before pointing the finger at anyone on Thursday.

“We take the necessary time […] before drawing a final conclusion,” he argued at a press conference following the CARICOM summit, where it was Haiti that attracted more attention.

Prime Minister Trudeau has also not ruled out visiting the region, as have several of his counterparts, including American President Joe Biden.

The latter exonerated Israel on Wednesday after the deadly strike against a hospital in Gaza which sparked a wave of revolt in the Middle East.

Having come in person to support Israel, Joe Biden took up the version given by the Israeli army on this strike, which accuses Islamic Jihad, another Palestinian organization.

“Based on the information we have had so far, it appears that [la frappe] or the result of an out-of-control rocket fired by a terrorist group in Gaza,” he said.

The President of the United States assured that he had convincing evidence from the Pentagon.

The strike Tuesday evening on the Ahli Arab hospital, in central Gaza, left at least 471 dead among displaced people from the conflict who were sheltering within the premises of the establishment, assures the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian territory .

With Agence France-Presse

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