bombardment kills one in occupied Crimea, authorities say

Drone attack reported in Crimea. Sergei Aksionov, the governor of the peninsula separated from Ukraine in 2014, declared on Thursday July 20 on Telegram that a “enemy drone strike” had damaged “four administrative buildings” in the northwest of this region, killing a teenage girl. kyiv has not claimed responsibility for this attack, a new incident in a long series in Crimea after the explosion on the Kerch bridge on Monday, and the fire at a military base on Wednesday. Find the latest developments in the Ukrainian conflict in our live.

Very high risk navigation in the Black Sea. The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that from Thursday, “all ships sailing in the waters of the Black Sea bound for Ukrainian ports will be considered as ships potentially carrying military cargo”. kyiv, for its part, has asked for the establishment of “military patrols” naval forces under UN mandate and with the participation of Turkey in particular, said the adviser to the Ukrainian presidency. He ruled out any negotiations with Moscow, whose objective, according to him, is to “destroy” Ukraine.

The Belarusian Red Cross accused of kidnapping Ukrainian children. Dzmitry Shautsou, the director of this organization, created an international outcry after declaring on the country’s public television that its teams were actively involved in the reception of Ukrainian children living in areas occupied by Russia.

New US military aid for kyiv. The United States announced on Wednesday a support plan for Ukraine amounting to 1.3 billion dollars. It provides for the delivery of four anti-aircraft missile systems, anti-tank missiles, artillery ammunition, mine clearance equipment, and explosive drones, the Pentagon said. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the “unwavering support” of its American ally.

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