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In Brazil, the second round of the presidential election takes place on Sunday October 30, between Jair Bolsonaro and Lula. The last televised debate between the two men was in the tone of the rest of the campaign: electric, violent and sometimes filthy.
“Bandit“, “liar“, imbalance“… The last televised debate between Jair Bolsonaro and Lula had the appearance of a cockfight, as the second round of the presidential election takes place on Sunday October 30 in Brazil. “It is like this whole campaign where altercations, bird names or even the spilling of false information on social networks have multiplied.“, explains Valéry Lerouge, special envoy to Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Friday, October 28, a final evangelical rally took place in Brasilia (Brazil) to support Jair Bolsonaro, the outgoing candidate. According to one of his followers, he represents “the values of the Brazilian nation: God, country and family“. Lula’s camp wants to believe in the return of the left-wing leader. The supporters did not miss anything from the debate, during which Lula mainly attacked his opponent on his management of the pandemic. Bolsonaro reminded him of the affairs of corruption in which Lula was involved.
This campaign was also marked by violence, with numerous attacks between activists on both sides. A former municipal councilor from Sao Paulo (Brazil), a member of Lula’s party, was shot in the head. Whatever the outcome of the ballot, Brazilians will at least be happy that this campaign that has divided neighborhoods, families and friends is finally over.