We are in Bollène, gateway to Provence this week with reports by Philippe Garcia. We are interested in its well-hidden religious heritage.
– Philip Garcia
Including the convent of the Blessed Sacrament, well hidden behind high walls; convent founded in 1725 to accommodate Ursulines; Martyrs in the French Revolution, thirty-two of them were tortured, then beatified by Rome in 1925. Today Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament, the place welcomes all those who wish to stay there to meditate there, to meditate there. The one who receives us is the abbot Hubert Lelievre, creator of the community of the Gospel of Life. The benevolent and very welcoming man opened the magnificent and discreet chapel of the Monastery to us.
The Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament is a garden in the heart of Bollène, with a huge building where craftsmen and donors continue its restoration, in small touches, under the leadership of Abbé Lelièvre. Workcamps of young people between the ages of 18 and 30 take part in it every year.