BOLLÈNE / The Bollene handball club

Bollène where the handball club is doing very well with great equipment. Last week was back to school for young players. This took place in the heart of the beautiful sports facilities of the Lycée Lucie Aubrac, in the beautiful hall of the Gymnasium. The Bollène hand club, which is doing very well, finances 2 employees. That night, Billy Pages the President of the Club welcomed his new recruit for his very first day of work…

Billy Pagès, President of the Bollène handball club

The Bollène hand club has more than 150 members, all categories combined, from the age of 4! Now is the time to register your children. The equipment is not expensive. A part is supported by the club. And as Évie the mother said, the advantage of the hand is that it is always played inside!

The Bollène handball club organizes tournaments, festive days, handball courses throughout the year; enough to retain licensees and their families!

Telephone 09 60 53 11 85 / [email protected] / Website :

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