Boeing | Recovery from the turmoil will take several more years

(New York) After several chaotic years, Boeing on Wednesday shared its goal of returning to better health, both operationally and financially, by 2025 or 2026.

Posted at 1:55 p.m.

The aircraft manufacturer, which between the 737 MAX crisis and the pandemic has lost money over the past three years, had already set a goal of returning to positive cash flow this year.

He said on Wednesday, in his first presentation to investors since 2016, that he aims to generate $3 billion to $5 billion in free cash flow (the amount of money the company has left after operating expenses and expenses). investment) in 2023, which is less than expected by analysts.

The group is expected to return to performance similar to that before the 737 crisis and the pandemic by 2025 or 2026, with the anticipation of free cash flow then climbing to $10 billion. An amount closer to the 13.6 billion dollars generated by Boeing in 2018.

The group is counting on the ramping up of its production.

The latter has slowed a lot after the two fatal accidents of the 737 MAX in 2018 and 2019, which led to a grounding of the aircraft around the world for 20 months, the pandemic and its impact on air traffic, and manufacturing problems. discovered on the 787 in the summer of 2020.

The pace of production was expected to pick up sharply this year, but Boeing is being held back by its supply chain, with some suppliers struggling to keep up. The group also faces increased oversight from US aviation authorities, which have delayed the certification of some aircraft.

In 2023, Boeing hopes to deliver 400 to 450 737 aircraft as well as 70 to 80 787 aircraft. about ten 787s and about four 777/777X aircraft.

On the New York Stock Exchange, Boeing took 4.4% around 5:45 p.m. GMT.

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