Bobsled | Samuel Giguère: family before sport

Samuel Giguère does not yet know if he will go back on board a bobsleigh one day but, one thing is certain, it will not be this season. The 37-year-old athlete is more at home, where he is spending precious time with his loved ones after an incredible Olympic year.

Posted at 10:39

“My place is really here, for the moment,” said Giguère from the outset during a telephone interview with Sportcom.

It must be said that the last campaign was not easy for the Quebecer and the sacrifices were numerous in order to realize his Olympic dream. Starting with his journey of more than three months which led him to ninth place in the four-man at the Beijing Games in February.

“It was really, really hard not seeing my kids during that time,” he said. It was a special year and we had to keep a tight bubble from the camp, until the Olympics. I haven’t been home for a very long time and although the situation is different this year, I felt like I needed to stay. »

The least we can say is that his current routine contrasts with that of last year. Instead of traveling around the globe to participate in the World Cups with the Canadian team, he works as a medical representative while fully savoring dad’s life in Saint-Sauveur, where he has been established for a few years now.

A different pace, certainly, but not necessarily less frantic.

“I wouldn’t say it’s any quieter with the kids! he laughed to sum it all up. “Last year, I was in training in China and there I have a full-time job and I spend time every day with my children. It’s completely different and I’m glad to be home. »

One last lap?

To hear the words of Samuel Giguère, particularly when he talks about his two young daughters, it would be easy to believe that he has drawn a line under his athletic career. But he may not have said his last word and he assures us that the flame still burns as much.

“To say that it’s the end, that I won’t compete anymore, that’s what is difficult. Of course, if I was able to return to the World Cup and the Olympics, I would like that, because I know that the window is closing. It is even very small! he retorted when asked about his sporting future.

I had a long career in football and now in bobsledding. I see that the time to turn the page is approaching. What drove me all those years was to compete at a high level, to compare myself to the best! That, I love that!

Samuel Giguere

The native of Sherbrooke did not want to rush things this fall and he will take the time to reassess all his options in 2023. And, once again, the family will be at the heart of his priorities.

“I would like to continue, but first and foremost you have to see if I am able to reconcile sport and family. The national team requires full commitment and that’s okay in my twenties, but my situation is different now, especially since it’s all in Western Canada. We’ll see you next year,” he concluded.

The last time Samuel Giguère found himself in bobsleigh was at the Beijing Olympics with his teammates Christopher Spring, Cody Sorensen and Mike Evelyn, with whom he still maintains close ties.

Was it the swan song? Only the future will tell. For now, he’s been happily ever after.

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