boat owned by Israeli businessman stormed by Yemeni rebels


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1 minute

War between Hamas and Israel: a boat owned by an Israeli businessman was stormed by Yemeni rebels

War between Hamas and Israel: a boat owned by an Israeli businessman was stormed by Yemeni rebels – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – T. de barbeyrac, B. Boussouar

France Televisions

In support of Hamas, an armed group from Yemen stormed a commercial ship owned by an Israeli businessman. Everything was filmed by the attackers themselves.

Images, believed to have been filmed on Sunday November 19, were released by the Houthis in Yemen. We see a helicopter approaching a boat in the heart of the Red Sea. Around ten men in camouflage outfits, hooded and armed with rifles, got off the plane and progressed onto the deck of the boat. The Galaxy Leader is a cargo ship that usually carries cars. A few moments later, the men approached the command post and entered it.

25 crew members hostage

They then threaten the crew members. None resist. There are 25 men, Filipinos, Bulgarians and Mexicans. The cargo ship is operated by a Japanese company, but is owned by an Israeli businessman. This is why the Houthis, supported by Iran, attacked the ship. Escorted by a flotilla of small boats, the leading Galaxy then headed towards the Yemeni coast.

source site-29