Video length: 2 min
Education: boarding schools for young people who have dropped out of school, an effective solution?
The government is committed to taking action in the face of recent violence perpetrated by minors. Gabriel Attal went to Nice, Monday April 22, to an establishment opening its doors to young people during school holidays for a “remobilization stay”. What is the principle ?
(France 2)
The government is committed to taking action in the face of recent violence perpetrated by minors. Gabriel Attal went to Nice, Monday April 22, to an establishment opening its doors to young people during school holidays for a “remobilization stay”. What is the principle ?
Going on vacation far from his family, to a boarding school. In Nice (Alpes-Maritimes), 20 teenagers will spend two weeks in a “remobilization stay”. The students concerned are young people who have not committed acts of delinquency, but who are in a situation of dropping out, or those whose parents feel overwhelmed. Launched by the Prime Minister on the morning of Monday April 22, the experiment aims to keep young people away from their neighborhoods and their usual associations.
A year-round boarding school?
Academic support as well as sports and cultural activities are on the program. Students will also participate in workshops around the values of the Republic, social networks or harassment. Law enforcement and educators will stand alongside teachers. “It’s difficult to imagine resolving often complex situations in two weeks.”, estimates Bruno Bobkiewicz, the general secretary of the SNPDEN (National Union of National Education Management Personnel). Is a boarding school necessary for the whole year? The government wants to encourage the system and cover the costs of the poorest families.