board games are reinventing themselves and appealing to adults


Article written by

A. Peyrout, F. Bazille, L. Busschaert, J. Pires – France 2

France Televisions

Board games are the big trend right now, especially among adults. Manufacturers have succeeded in reinventing themselves, and the options are now plentiful.

Like every evening, a games bar in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris is full. In recent years, a group of work colleagues have returned to board games, in particular thanks to new concepts. “It’s still a good way to spend time with people you like, outside of the screens”, confides a young woman. Players are looking for experiences, while having fun. “I think what people like are things that go quickly to set up, that are funny”, comments Mélanie Agenea, from the game bar Le Nid.

The trend exploded during lockdowns. In 2020, sales of board games for all ages increased 11% from the previous year. This dynamic is the joy of Florent Toscano, founder and manager of Opla games. As Christmas approaches, its order book is always full. 12,000 of its games are expected to be sold during the month of December. In France, more than 1,000 new games are released each year.

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