blues in Berry for Britons deprived of the vote

From January 1, 2022, the Britons’ right of residence in France changes. With Brexit, British residents must now justify a residence permit to live with us. In Berry, a small English community is installed, as in Orsennes in the south of the Indre, where the Joneses run La Brasserie du Luma. If this Welsh couple has obtained their residence permit, valid for 10 years, they still lose the right to vote. A loss experienced as a heartbreak.

“You can vote nowhere in the world”

For 20 years, Anthony Jones and his wife Anna have been living in a small house with blue shutters. They work in France and are well integrated. But since Brexit, they no longer have the right to go to the polls. “After 15 years in France, we lose the right to vote in the British Isles. We have been here for 20 years, we can no longer vote in our country, regrets Anthony. Before Brexit, we could vote in European and municipal elections, but we were struck off the lists. You can’t vote anywhere in the world “.

It is all the more hard for Anna to bear, who loves politics. “I don’t find that normal, we no longer have the right to vote in a country where we pay for everything, gets carried away by the Briton. Even if we don’t have the nationality, I think we still deserve to vote “.

“These families are involved in the life of the town”

Like the Joneses, many British people who live in Orsennes have lost this right to vote, even though they are very invested in the life of their municipality. “These families are very involved in the life of the municipality and in associations. We feel that they are people who like contact and who like to get involved professionally”, testifies Laurent Bré, mayor of Orsennes.

In one year, the French prefectures received more than 163,000 applications for residence permits from UK citizens. France is the second European country to welcome British nationals.

“We are told ‘break up'”

Since Brexit, Anthony and Anna Jones also feel rejected in France. “I feel like I lost my voice, confides this Welshwoman. We are foreigners and our accent can be heard. If we moan and criticize France, we are told ‘get out if you are not happy in France’ “.

A situation that worries the mayor of the town. “I’m afraid that this could scare away this English community which brings a little dynamism to our town, assures Laurent Bré. Some people feel left out ”.

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