Blue Jays | Decision to remove Berrios came from Schneider, says GM

(Toronto) Blue Jays general manager Ross Atkins said it was manager John Schneider who decided to draft Minnesota’s Jose Berrios on Wednesday in the first-round game that ended Toronto’s season .

With the score 0-0, Berrios was replaced after walking the Twins’ leadoff hitter in the fourth.

Berrios had given up three singles including one to the infield, when he was replaced by left-hander Yusei Kikuchi.

He had thrown only 47 pitches and struck out five batters.

The Twins scored two runs later in the fourth and won 2-0, eliminating the Jays in two straight games.

Speaking to reporters Saturday at the Rogers Centre, Atkins said he was surprised by the decision regarding Berrios.

He also rejected the theory that the decision was influenced by the team’s upper management.

He described Schneider’s decision as “brave,” adding that it wasn’t the reason Toronto lost the game.

Atkins also mentioned that Schneider would be back as manager in 2024.

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