Blinis, pancakes… You can make all kinds of delicacies for the aperitif

Basically Claudy explained to us that with a good waffle batter you can make blinis. Flour, salt, egg, sugar, milk… He gave us the details of the proportions at the start of the program. Geneviève gave us a recipe for Polish blinis without milk but with beer and buckwheat flour

Our leader

Claudy Obriot is chef and owner of “La Grange Obriot” open every lunchtime from Monday to Friday at La Baffe near Epinal in the Vosges.

Our culinary expert

Karine CLAUDE is a druggist (in the old town, rue Raugraff in Nancy)

One day a trade

Our butcher “Monsieur Edouard” from the central market in Nancy, told us about

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