Bleeding after removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy)

What is it about ?

In case of frequent inflammation of the tonsils, the ENT may decide to remove them. This procedure is performed regularly in children. The risk of complications is low. Sometimes the procedure is followed by bleeding.

What is its frequency?

Bleeding occurs in 2% to 4% of people whose tonsils have been removed. It is necessary to reopen in half of the cases.

How to recognize it?

Most bleeding after tonsil removal occurs within a few hours of the operation. The operated person will feel blood flow in the throat. Doctors are aware of this risk, and the operated person is therefore always kept in the hospital for a few hours after the operation.

How is the diagnosis made?

After the operation, the medical staff will monitor the progress regularly. Bleeding may be felt by the person being operated on, and the doctor can see the bleeding by inspecting the area of ​​the nose, throat, and ears. With severe bleeding, blood pressure may also drop, but this is very rare.

What can you do ?

Bleeding in the throat and vomiting of swallowed blood can be frightening. Try to stay calm and not swallow blood so that the symptoms do not get worse.

What can the doctor do?

If there is any bleeding after the operation, the surgeon aspirates the excess coagulated blood with a saliva sucker, he exerts pressure at the site of bleeding with gauze pads and compresses, and, if necessary, he uses an electric current that generates heat to burn a bleeding blood vessel under anesthesia.


Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage’ (2000), updated on 06.09.2017 and adapted to the Belgian context on 28.12.2019 – ebpracticenet