Blanche Gardin without filter on her years spent in the street

Comedian, actress, director, screenwriter, Blanche Gardin knows how to do it all. At 44, the Suresnoise is an accomplished woman. In early December, she unveiled a brand new project on Canal +, a mock documentary of nine episodes called “The best version of myself”.

But if everything seems to be successful today, there was a time when the companion of Louis CK was going through a difficult period. Indeed, Blanche Gardin’s career has been strewn with pitfalls. Last February, she thus confided with an open heart on the most complicated moments of her life in the columns of the Figaro.

“When I was 18, I ran away and for a few months I lived with dog punks in the streets of Naples. But in no case have I undergone this situation […] I left home voluntarily. By staying close to my family, I wouldn’t have been able to be completely free. I needed a big break. Coming back from Naples, I had red hair down to my buttocks and piercings all over the place. “

Faced with this situation, Blanche Gardin’s father then took a radical decision. That of leaving his post as linguistics teacher for a few days in order to find his daughter. Without hesitation, he packed his bags and went to Italy where he hoped to be able to bring her back with him. After a long discussion, the actress accepts. Much to the relief of his family. The comedian goes on to add: “Six months later my Neapolitan guy, heroin addict, died of an overdose. It was the good big chaos this period. “

Unfortunately, the hard knocks will pile up. A few years later, the young woman’s father died of cancer at the age of 62. Shortly after, she will also learn of her sterility, and will have to mourn the motherhood. Interned in a psychiatric hospital, Blanche Gardin then wrote her very first show. A one-woman-show that will mark the start of a brilliant career.

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