Blanc bec: for the love of cheese

There has been something new at the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ) for some time now: the Blanc Bec wine and cheese bar has taken up residence in the pretty bright space near the entrance giving on Saint Denis. This new offer is therefore added to the two restaurants of the place, and here too allows the next generation in the kitchen, service and sommelier to shine.

Posted at 2:00 p.m.

Iris Gagnon Paradise

Iris Gagnon Paradise
The Press

The doors were to open in March 2020, but you know… In partnership with the Milk Family, the place is a “dairy” bar where local cheeses are showcased, as well as many local products and some local spirits.

The cheese cellar, which keeps soft, firm or marbled cheeses at the ideal temperature, is certainly the main attraction of the place; its modern design is signed lg2 Architecture.

They are eaten by the slice, in a tray of one or three, accompanied by jams, nuts and honeycombs, and they are accompanied, according to desire and appetite, with small dishes such as cod fritters, a salad beets with sumac yogurt or a cromesquis with cheddar from Île-aux-Grues.

To quench your thirst, cocktails based on Quebec alcohol, local beers and a short selection of ciders, bubbles and wines from here and elsewhere

Tuesday to Saturday, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., without reservation.

3535 Saint-Denis Street, Montreal

source site-51