Blackwater, volume 5. Fortune

Following the advice of her mother, Elinor, Miriam, who runs her father’s sawmill, Oscar, masterfully prepares to conquer the black gold market. As Sister becomes an insufferable copy of Mary Love, Frances, mother of twins, increasingly accepts her aquatic nature: “Now that they were no longer captive to the heavy blankets, she stretched her webbed feet and made them wiggle . Then she turned slightly, and her mighty gray tail slid over the side of the bed to hang down to the floor. More than ever, women dominate in Perdido, and Michael McDowell seems to enjoy driving the men crazy. Alas! The fantastic aspect of the penultimate volume, which looks like a cross between the series dallasvery popular in 1983 (the year of the original publication of Blackwater), and The swamp creature, loses its charm until it becomes banal. As for the specter of the little boy who haunts the guest room, he has sunk into oblivion. To be continued…

Blackwater, t. 5 Wealth

★★ 1/2

Michael McDowell, translated from English by Yoko Lacour with Hélène Charrier, Alto, Quebec, 2022, 248 pages

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