BlaBlaCarDaily, the useful application for carpooling.

The carpooling application BlaBlaCarDaily?

Launched a little over a year ago, it is the only carpooling application for daily journeys developed by BlaBlaCar, the world leader in carpooling: an application aimed at individuals (passengers and drivers) and businesses . A French application I remember! Note that more than 1.5 million French people already carpool with BlaBlaCarDaily

The purpose of this app?

– Save money on every trip.

– Driving every day, we know what it is!

Full of gas, insurance, maintenance… It quickly becomes expensive to ride solo. By sharing the costs through carpooling, it’s like paying €0.50 for a liter of petrol! Not bad is not it ? A small gesture for you, a big step for the planet. By carpooling, you participate in the reduction of vehicles on the roads and CO2 emissions.

Who is BlaBlaCarDaily for, and how does it work?

It is aimed at individuals: Enter your journey and your schedule only once, and the app takes care of the rest. Send and receive carpooling requests from your smartphone. View your carpools for the week at a glance.

Carpooling on daily journeys is practical, economical and ecological!

It is also aimed at companies: to carpool with colleagues… A free and intuitive app, a calendar to enter… It’s as simple as that! Participate in the well-being of your employees, increase their purchasing power, free up parking lots: home-to-work carpooling with colleagues, a gesture for the wallet and for the planet!

An application in the era of time then?

In the middle of European Mobility Week, the first figures were therefore expected and they beat all the records on the counter!

According to the national carpooling observatory, the first edition of the overview of home-to-work carpooling published this fall highlights the Pays de la Loire region: 2nd region with the most carpooling after Île-de-France… With already 203,561 carpooling trips between January and June 2022. + 459% compared to last year! 6 million solo kilometers avoided! Figures that show a real need. Despite everything, motorists generally remain alone in their vehicle for their daily journeys.

Carpooling, a habit to take!

Where can we find all his information?

– On your smartphones on their site, and on Facebook.

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