Bitten by his cat, this 33-year-old man dies four years after contracting the “flesh-eating” bacteria

When we are told to disinfect ourselves after being bitten by an animal, it is not about salads. Even if it is our cat or dog that we have been seeing for several years and that we love above all else. Henrik Kriegbaum Plettner, 33-year-old Danish, is unfortunately no longer there to confirm this, but he is proof that a bite can cost you your life. Indeed, the family of the latter announced his death on December 14 as noted NEWSfour years after being bitten by his cat who transmitted a “flesh-eating” bacterium to him.

In 2018, he decided to adopt a cat and her litter. But while trying to move the latter, the mother of the kittens bites him on the index finger. Nothing to worry about especially since the wound heals fairly quickly. However, Henrik Kriegbaum Plettner’s hand doubled in size within a few hours. Because the wound closed very quickly, according to our colleagues, a bacterium could “to enter its bloodstream through the vein and remain in the body where it began to spread rapidly”.

A health that is deteriorating at high speed

Beginning to worry about his health, the 33-year-old Dane then decides to go to a doctor who does not take his situation seriously. In fact, he decides to go to the hospital to receive treatment as explained by the DailyMail.

Eight months and twelve operations later, Henrik Kriegbaum Plettner still cannot use his finger correctly. The doctors decide to amputate his index finger… which will cause his loss. Indeed, his health began to deteriorate at breakneck speed. His mother even let it be known that he would have been affected by several diseases because of his immune system which was increasingly weakened, ranging from pneumonia, to diabetes and gout.

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