Biriatou’s locavore challenge

Prepare a locavore meal for 230 people, using local products less than 50 km away. With a price for raw materials not exceeding 9.50 euros per person. 30 volunteers work actively to organize this day.

The objective is to highlight our producers, their quality products, the seasonality of the products, their proximity, relearn how to prepare this type of meal, within reasonable cost limits.

Program of the 14th chapter of the brotherhood of sagarno lovers

8h00/9h00 Reception of brotherhoods

Installation for the brotherhoods participating in the market

09:00 am: Parade of the brotherhoods to the market of terroirs and Brotherhoods

Opening of the terroirs and brotherhoods market

11 a.m.: Entertainment (traditional Basque games)

1:00 p.m.: Meal at the covered pediment of the Xoldo


Entrance : Cod omelet (SOFRESAL Hondarribia)

Flat : Lambs grilled over a wood fire from the Amutxenea farm in Biriatou, breeder Jean Marc Escudero with his salad garnish and his white beans (market gardeners from Biriatou/Hendaye)

Dessert : Sheep cheese from the farm Martingoiti Biriatou berger Xavier Zubialde &

Basque cake with pressed apple made by the brotherhood of sagarno lovers from Bidasoa.

Sparkling apples (sagarno brotherhood)

Herriko bread (local flour) Katallingorri bakery in Hendaye

Coffee, sloe liqueur from our Piedmont produced by us


Sagarno with Txotx at will, apple juice (sagarno brotherhood)

Xoldokogaina Water

source site-35