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Since the start of the pandemic, medical analysis laboratories have seen their activity transform, mainly solicited for screenings covid. But they are concerned to see that, conversely, patients no longer carry out other types of medical analyses, which are just as essential.
In a laboratory, from 7 a.m., people all flock for the same analysis: a PCR test. This practice has become routine for this establishment, which has had to expand to manage flows, thus transforming parking spaces into laboratories. exclusively dedicated to Covid-19.
100 meters away, another laboratory deals with biological analyzes only. A demand that has been in sharp decline for two years. “There is a drop in blood tests (…) I would say between 20% and 30% which were done at home and in the laboratory”, says Jean-Paul taar, biologist. For fear of Covid-19, some waive or postpone these direct debits. This is not without risks. “It is absolutely necessary that they follow each other so that we do not have more serious pathologies”, warns Jean-Claude Azoulay, President of the National Syndicate of Medical Biologists.