Biographical film about Guy Lafleur | Finding the right ‘Guy’ will be a ‘huge’ challenge

After asking our readers which actor they would like to see Guy Lafleur play in the film that will be dedicated to him, the names came flying like pucks in front of a net. Producer Christian Larouche, himself curious about the results, wanted to take a look at it, while speaking about the delicate art of unearthing the rare pearls capable of reviving Quebec’s sacred monsters.

Posted at 7:00 a.m.

Sylvain Sarrazin

Sylvain Sarrazin
The Press

Who would thrill the public by taking on the role of the Blond Demon? The hearts of readers The Press clearly leans towards Luc Picard, also scriptwriter of the film in preparation. To a lesser extent, the actors Sébastien Delorme and Maxime Le Flaguais are also acclaimed.

Names that certainly leave you dreaming, but the producer Christian Larouche must unfortunately bring us back to earth, because the choice will be marked by crucial criteria, including age.

“The public does not have these elements in hand, but the film will begin with Guy at the age of pee-wee, at the As de Québec at 18-19 years old, then at the end of his career at 35-40 years old maximum. We will not go higher than that, ”he confided in an interview with The Press, thus dismissing Luc Picard from the outset – even with a lot of make-up! “He will surely play another role in the film”, he consoles us, while confiding that he has seen among the readers’ suggestions “interesting names”, with the appropriate age, such as those of Henri Picard – the son by Luc – or by Antoine Olivier Pilon.


Christian Larouche, who will produce the biographical film on Guy Lafleur, has good experience in the search for the ideal actor to portray the role of a Quebec icon, such as Louis Cyr or Gerry Boulet.

“There is a huge degree of difficulty, because you have to remember that Guy was 6ft 2in tall and had blond hair, although it works out. For the lining too, it will be difficult to find, because Guy was playing without a helmet, ”slips the producer. And speaking of gliding, skating skills will be an important asset, and will be honed by intensive training, especially since the skates of the period were very different from those of today.

A click for a delicate choice

Since the announcement of the preparation of the biographical film in the wake of the death of Lafleur, Christian Larouche and Luc Picard feel the pressure mounting, knowing that the choice of the main role, fundamental, will be scrutinized by millions of pairs of eyes.


Guy Lafleur, in 1991, with the Quebec Nordiques. He was 39 at the time.

An exercise in which the producer is broken, having already tackled castings to unearth the cinematographic incarnations of sacred monsters of Quebec, like Louis Cyr or Gerry Boulet, while continuing to actively seek a Gilles Villeneuve and a Diane Dufresne for films biographical (biopics) imminent. How do we go about flushing out these rare pearls?

“It’s so essential, finding the right person is THE challenge. Above all, we will look for a good actor. For this kind of film, everything rests on his shoulders, he has to have charisma,” explains Mr. Larouche. Then, a big parade takes place, waiting for a click. The producer remembers the auditions for Gerry, where a veritable procession of actors was sifted through, complying with a curious ritual: in turn, they were wearing a top-of-the-range wig (at almost $15,000!) reproducing the musician’s mane, which served as Excalibur. “It’s funny, we knew that Mario Saint-Amand looked a bit like Gerry, but we didn’t think it would be him, we thought he was too old for the role. But when he put on the wig, everything changed. It was him, ”says Christian Larouche.


Mario Saint-Amand was not initially expected to play Gerry Boulet. But a simple wig, combined with her talent, made her the production’s top choice.

With his team and the directors, he will watch for the same kind of trigger for the essential roles of this trio of biographical films in preparation. “When you look at it, you know it, you feel it. We hope to get there the same way when we go get our Guy Lafleur or our Diane Dufresne, ”he tables.

Our readers would like to see them as Guy Lafleur

  • Luc Picard came out on top in the votes of La Presse readers, who highlighted his resemblance to the Demon Bond.  “I would see Luc Picard himself.  Frank, charismatic and hair in the wind!  “, hopes for example Serge Trudeau.  The problem, and it is a big one, is that the film will mainly focus on the green years of the player.  Consolation prize: he will probably play another role in the film, to be determined, Christian Larouche told us.


    Luc Picard easily came out on top in the votes of readers of The Press, who pointed out its resemblance to the Bond Demon. “I would see Luc Picard himself. Frank, charismatic and hair in the wind! “, hopes for example Serge Trudeau. The problem, and it is a big one, is that the film will mainly focus on the green years of the player. Consolation prize: he will probably play another role in the film, to be determined, Christian Larouche told us.

  • Sébastien Delorme, pictured here in 2016, has also been cited a lot, but there too, age places him out of competition.  In addition, a duet with his son Thomas has been mentioned several times by our readers.


    Sébastien Delorme, pictured here in 2016, has also been cited a lot, but there too, age places him out of competition. In addition, a duet with his son Thomas has been mentioned several times by our readers. “Thomas and Sébastien Delorme, cute smiles like that of Guy Lafleur”, underlines Sylvie Montreuil, for example.

  • Doesn't that blonde mane remind you of someone?  “I think Maxime Le Flaguais has the ideal profile to embody Guy Lafleur.  He has the physique, the ardor and above all the beautiful blond hair of the Blond Demon”, proposes Claude Allaire, jointly with other readers.  The actor has not yet crossed the 40-year mark, which could effectively make him a candidate for the role of the hockey player at the end of his career… but water will have flowed under the bridges by the time the film is produced.  Could a swipe of makeup work miracles?


    Doesn’t that blonde mane remind you of someone? “I think Maxime Le Flaguais has the ideal profile to embody Guy Lafleur. He has the physique, the ardor and above all the beautiful blond hair of the Blond Demon”, proposes Claude Allaire, jointly with other readers. The actor has not yet crossed the 40-year mark, which could effectively make him a candidate for the role of the hockey player at the end of his career… but water will have flowed under the bridges by the time the film is produced. Could a swipe of makeup work miracles?

  • Place for young people!  They will be the ones who will be primarily targeted for casting.  Antoine Olivier Pilon, who will soon be 25, has earned a place in the voting rankings.  Our readers point out with relevance that he has already played roles as a hockey player, in Les Pee-Wee 3D and Major Junior.  His quasi-homonym Antoine Pilon also collected his share of votes.


    Place for young people! They will be the ones who will be primarily targeted for casting. Antoine Olivier Pilon, who will soon be 25, has earned a place in the voting rankings. Our readers point out with relevance that he has already played roles as a hockey player, in 3D Pee-Wee and Major Junior. His quasi-homonym Antoine Pilon also collected his share of votes.

  • Pier-Luc Funk regularly came back in the suggestions.  Well, one of our readers points out that he would have to fatten his nose a little to make him look more like number 10, but many appreciate his ardor.


    Pier-Luc Funk regularly came back in the suggestions. Well, one of our readers points out that he would have to fatten his nose a little to make him look more like number 10, but many appreciate his ardor.

  • Decidedly, the public seems to have a penchant for father-son duos in view of this film.  Some readers cited the name of Henri Picard, Luc's son, to embody the legend of hockey in his youth.


    Decidedly, the public seems to have a penchant for father-son duos in view of this film. Some readers cited the name of Henri Picard, Luc’s son, to embody the legend of hockey in his youth.


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