Biodiversity sanctuary ravaged by flames


Video length: 2 min

Brazil: Biodiversity sanctuary ravaged by flames
Brazil: a biodiversity sanctuary ravaged by flames

It is a sanctuary of diversity which was ravaged by flames, Saturday June 29, in Brazil. A state of emergency has been declared there for several days due to a wall of flames which is destroying the largest wetland on the planet.

It is a wetland, the largest in the world, which is now only a shadow of its former self, ravaged by flames. More than 3,400 fires have broken out since the beginning of the year, 20 times more than last year at the same time. On the Paraguay River, fishermen are complaining about the drop in water levels and the lack of fish. “Fish and bait are becoming increasingly scarce, fishing has become very difficult, for me it is because of deforestation”estimates one of them.

In some places, the fire has just been brought under control, a pair of storks have been saved by firefighters. But not everyone was so lucky; some birds were found dead without signs of burns. For this biodiversity sanctuary, the torments are only just beginning, because the dry season lasts until mid-October, and other fires are to be feared.

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