Billy Crawford close to Lorie? The singer throws everything on his relationship with his ex!

Billy Crawford is back! In a few weeks, the interpreter of the title “Tracking” should ignite the floor of “Dancing with the stars” with his partner. But before showing his talents to the whole of France, the singer goes through rehearsals. Anxious at the idea of ​​​​participating in the flagship program of TF1, he recently confided his anxieties. ” I’m super scared! It’s been 20 years since I’ve been on a stage and I’ve never competed. It was a real challenge that I set myself”.

Stressed, the companion of Coleen Garcia still intends to give the maximum to win the competition. Its goal ? Succeed Tayc. Recently interviewed by Télé Star, the artist mentioned the reasons why he chose to participate in the adventure. ” I wanted to experiment with new things and discover other ways of dancing. I’ve been an artist for almost thirty years but I’ve never done anything like it. It will allow me to have more confidence in myself. Of course, I also do it for my family.”

“She has a family”

His passage in “Dancing with the Stars” is therefore an opportunity for Billy Crawford to find his French audience. “It’s been a long time since I left…I’m more mature now and the music world is changing. I still want to try and see if the public is still there. I have already recorded a few songs which may be released at the same time as the broadcast of the show”. During this interview, the young dad also had the opportunity to talk about the relationship he has with his ex Lorie. “ She has a family and so do I. I’m 40 and I ‘prefer to be alone’ (a reference to the singer’s hit). We congratulated each other when our kids were born, but that’s it.. My wife is there (laughs)”. That is what is said!


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