Bill on its “sovereignty” | Alberta will make changes

(Edmonton) The Alberta government is working on changes, to be debated next week, to amend current provisions of the province’s ‘sovereignty’ bill that would give cabinet the power to rewrite laws behind closed doors , without having to go through the Legislative Assembly.

That’s what Alberta Premier Danielle Smith said in a radio interview on Saturday. She argued that the bill should not give such powers to the cabinet and that her government is determined to make it clear that the cabinet will not have the right to rewrite laws in private.

The bill, tabled this week, was received very coldly, since once passed, it would give Mme Smith and his cabinet the power to revoke any federal policy, law or program they deem harmful to the interests of Alberta.

Many people have criticized the fact that such power exercised behind closed doors, without the oversight of the Legislative Assembly, threatens the principles of checks and balances essential to a healthy democracy.

The bill also raised concerns about the provision that gives cabinet the right to order provincially legislated or funded entities to reject federal laws.

These entities include municipalities, police forces, health regions, post-secondary institutions and school boards.

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