Bill 96 and French Language Commissioner | Marc Tanguay accuses QS of not defending “all citizens”

The interim leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ) Marc Tanguay went public on Saturday morning to ask the co-spokesperson of Québec solidaire, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, to stop “scrolling” and “defending the rights of all Quebecers”. A “totally exaggerated” attack, believes the solidarity deputy Vincent Marissal.

In the midst of the opening of the National Council of Québec solidaire (QS) in Montreal, Marc Tanguay, the interim leader of the PLQ, launched a publication on Twitter claiming that Québec solidaire has “abandoned its beautiful great principles”.

The aim of Mr. Tanguay touches the support by QS of the An Act respecting the official and common language of Quebec, French (commonly known as Law 96).

On Twitter, the Liberal leader continued: “Québec solidaire is an independentist party that does not defend the rights of all citizens. Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois supported the CAQ which attacked our rights and freedoms with law 96.

An “exaggerated”, “free” attack which comes from “nowhere”, retorted in a press scrum the solidarity deputy Vincent Marissal.

“I remind you that the Liberals, on Bill 96, changed their minds about three times,” he said. I think that pretty much demonstrates the panic of the Liberals who know they are in serious danger of losing [la circonscription de] Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne. If they panic after six days [de campagne], imagine what it will look like in two or three weeks? »

Remember that due to the political withdrawal of former Liberal leader Dominique Anglade, the riding of Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne, located in the southwest of Montreal, is up for grabs.

The Québec solidaire candidate, immigration lawyer Guillaume Cliche-Rivard, came second on October 3, with 27.7% of the vote. Dominique Anglade obtained 36.1% of the votes there.

The PLQ trusts Christopher Beanninger to win the riding. Mr. Beanninger is a social entrepreneur who is notably the founder and president of NewBase Media, a marketing and communications agency.

QS’s support for the French Language Commissioner denounced by the PLQ

Marc Tanguay added on Saturday morning by also denouncing the support of Québec solidaire for the new Commissioner for the French language, Benoit Dubreuil.

“By voting for François Legault’s candidate for the position of French Language Commissioner, #QS has ceased to be united, declared Mr. Tanguay on Twitter. The choice is clear in #SHSA. Our liberal candidate @ChristopherBPLQ will always defend the rights and freedoms of all”

The solidarity had first, last December, said they were going to vote against the appointment of Mr. Dubreuil. Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois then affirmed that his party was opposed to this candidacy because it was not “unifying”. “This candidacy has, in the past, expressed positions that do not join us,” he added, without giving details. He evoked, without naming it, the test The imaginary remedy – Why immigration won’t save Quebec (Boréal, 2011), which Benoît Dubreuil co-wrote with demographer Guillaume Marois.

Québec solidaire did an about-face on the issue in early February after meeting with Mr. Dubreuil.

“It totally looks like QS [de changer d’idée], supported Vincent Marissal in the press scrum. It’s called: giving the runner a chance. It’s called: being open to discussions. Our prejudice was rather unfavorable at the start, but we heard this man. I myself have consulted with academics who know him. We did our homework. After that, the tree will be judged by its fruits. »

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