Bill 15 misses the mark

Fortunately, voices from various origins are beginning to rise against the planned adoption of the bill aimed at making the health and social services system more efficient. Unfortunately for its promoter, there is total confusion as to the purpose of this project, which should primarily concern users and patients rather than the tools to be put in place to allegedly ensure its effectiveness and above all accountability. accounts of its managers. In other words, we do not find in the 1000 or so articles of the project a single mention of the needs of the population, which should nevertheless guide all the actions of the network, as specified from the outset by all the versions of the laws on health adopted since Mr. Claude Castonguay. Instead, Bill 15 focuses on managers, human resources issues and the governance of the department and its network, not that real problems of this order do not exist!

If the political and administrative leaders ignore the raison d’être of a network, namely services for the most vulnerable people in society, for example as if the school existed only for teachers, we will continue to nurture endlessly an unmanageable monster to lead to the creation of a parallel and private system which, paradoxically, will pride itself on responding more adequately to the needs of a population left behind. There is still time for the minister to change his strategy and consult, as it should, the population and health experts through a white paper followed by political decisions based on the consensus then obtained; and above all, to work to respond adequately to the vital needs of its fellow citizens, before satisfying those more incidental, although necessary, it is agreed, of its own needs and those of the administrators.

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