Bilal Hassani, his CHOC confidences behind the scenes of “Dance with the stars”!

For several weeks, Bilal Hassani and his dancer Jordan Mouillerac have made viewers dream of “Dance with the stars” on TF1. On a daily basis, the two stars go above and beyond to amaze the public. But also the jury composed of Jean-Paul Gaultier, Denitsa Ikonomova, François Alu and the essential Chris Marques. Still in the race, Bilal Hassani and Jordan Mouillerac hope to win this new edition of “DALS”. This Thursday, November 25, 2021 in the columns of “Gala”, the ex-candidate for Eurovision spoke about his career in the flagship program of TF1. Bilal Hassani also praised the work of Jordan Mouillerac. “He is one of the few dancers in the program who was not afraid to appear with me”, entrusted the interpreter of “King” to our colleagues.

As a reminder, the duo are the first couple of men on the show. A great novelty which made its small effect on the screen. “I am delighted to do it with Jordan Mouillerac who has a sufficiently manly look to stand out from mine”, stressed Bilal Hassani. Between them, it was obvious. The feeling was immediately there. “The chemistry happened immediately. I was ready to defend this message, this openness. It is a great pride ”, added the artist for “Télé-Loisirs”.

But the singer and his dance partner are often the target of virulent criticism on the Web. Fortunately, many Internet users are also totally won over by their chemistry on the “Dance with the stars” floor. “Critics, there will be some, there have already been since it was announced. (…) So I won’t be too much on my phone during DALS ”, has analyzed Bilal Hassani again for “Télé-Loisirs”. “This hatred can quickly rise to the head so I will be accompanied a little bit on social networks and I will try to stay fully focused on my adventure.”


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