Bilal Hassani and his mom ready to “cut the cord”? Their cash response

Very close to his mother, Bilal Hassani does not intend to do without her anytime soon. However, he moderated his remarks:The cord is cut. We really noticed that, especially after the first year working together. Having a mom is one thing, having a manager is another.“This proximity has, at one point, become slightly invasive: “We may have mixed the two a bit, especially at the beginning, because when we spent days doing concerts all over France, we went back together and we worked once again when we got home.

Since Bilal Hassani moved, things have returned to normal. Nevertheless, Amina”has his keys” and “come home when she wants” in his son. The artist knows that he owes him a lot, not to say everything. It was she who protected him when he suffered the wave of hatred on social networks, which made him want to continue and who cleared the way for him after this unfortunate adventure: “She went to the front without mehe explained to Yann Barthès. She continued my fight for a few days until I woke up and said to myself ‘the flame is still there‘”. Yes, Bilal will forever remain the king of Amina.

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