Bigflo and Oli: One of the brothers suspected of theft, imbroglio in a store…

Exhausted by the concerts, the non-stop solicitations and a monster success, Bigflo and Oli had decided to make a break. Two years later, the time of come back rang ! The two brothers from Toulouse first released the single Holy shit, heralding their new album presented with pomp on June 24 at the AccorArena in Paris. For the release of the record, Oli went to a Fnac but had a little misadventure with the security guards…

It was on their TikTok account that we discovered that Oli – whose real name is Olivio Ordonez – was recently arrested at the exit of a store. “That’s it guys, the custom, I just bought a lot of albums, I’m going to offer some to everyone I meet today. I offer you albums, randomly in Paris, let’s go!“, he says, filming himself with his phone. But, a few seconds later, when he had Fnac bags in his hands that were visibly well filled, he was stopped by a security guard! The problem? had no sales receipt with him after his purchase.”The gentleman didn’t give me the ticket, I don’t know why, but I paid for them, huh!“, justifies Oli while the security guard calls for reinforcements.

As a new security guard came to him to understand the situation, Olia tried to explain: “In fact, it’s my album inside. Look at the cover… I swear I didn’t steal! Bigflo and Oli we call each other.“While he was returning to the store with the security guards to check on his purchase, a Fnac salesperson fortunately recognized him and greeted him for the release of his album. Once he returned to the checkouts, the imbroglio cleared up.”It’s the good guys, I have my ticket, I can leave! A little big up anyway, they assured, thank you guys“, he concluded his video by filming the two amused security guards of the situation. A story that ends well.

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