Bigflo and Oli in concert at the Château de Saint-Dau in Figeac for the 15th anniversary of Ulysse Maison d’Artistes

“Happy who like Odysseus”, this is the name chosen Ulysse House of Artists for his birthday party.

For 15 years, this cultural cooperative has supported artists in the development of their professional careers from Figeac. Ulysse House of Artists provides the young talents they take under their wing with everything they need: tour organization, promotion, etc.

The team of the artists’ house will therefore celebrate its 15th anniversary at the Château de Saint-Dau in Figeac with a concert event Bigflo and Oli. Between the Toulouse duo and the artists’ house, it’s a long story since already in 2013 the Ulysse team accompanied the brothers for dates in Aveyron, where they played in the first part.

After 18 months of break to prepare their new album, and just after the release of their new title Holy Brothel, Bigflo and Oli are present at the invitation ofUlysse House of Artists for their big comeback.

To try to win your tickets, listen and play with France Bleu Occitanie!

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