big WTF moment at Jean-Pierre Foucault

Exceptionally, it is Jean-Pierre Foucault who hosts Culture Médias during the Easter holidays, in place of Thomas Isle. And this April 17, 2024, while receiving Inès Reg, the host returned to a question that torments many listeners.

Inès, are you a little slut?

On the set of Europe 1, the comedian, still competing in Dancing with the Stars, quipped: “Inès, are you a little slut? Is that the question?“And Jean-Pierre Foucault laughed and asked: “I imagine that the recent controversies over this recent affair with Natasha St-Pier don’t really help, are you afraid that it could harm your career, spoil the situation a little on the set of DALS? “

Sober, Inès Reg replied: “In relation to my career, it doesn’t scare me, it touched me, it scared and affected me but more in relation to the words that were used but today I am at peace, everything is happening very well. well, disagreements between colleagues well it happens all the time. Not you, I don’t wish it on you, but I saw here how it spoke to Jean-Pierre. I’m here Jean-Pierre, don’t worry, I’ve been there before you! And as a result I’m very calm, I say to myself, this is a passing fancy, this happened, I had to know this.”

Inès Reg also explained that the outcome of this affair was rather happy: “Ah yes, we are appeased on both sides, that’s it, everything is over, then what will happen will happen, in the sense of will it affect the votes, will people to say that we are in a delirium of war after that it’s fine because I dance well, but we’ll see I don’t want there to be any delirium, is there a team. Natasha, is there a team Inès That’s it, there was a mini-altercation, now we see each other in the corridors, we say hello, and we smile at each other. That’s it, we talk about it. more”.

“Well, frankly, for it to make the headlines: Natasha St-Pier!

Finally, the star of the courts explained that for the final, she would very much like to find
“Keïona, and…. well frankly for it to make the headlines: Natasha St-Pier!” A hell of an outstretched hand!

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