Big winner of “Top chef”, he was fired after being in Ukraine…

Wanting to help your neighbor is good, but not everyone seems to appreciate it… Proof of this is with this winner of Top chef who was forced to resign by his bosses for… going to Ukraine and helping the citizens who are currently waging war on Russia. This winner is none other than Sukhangad Singh, who won Top Chef Madagascar. After his victory, he was hired as sous-chef at the restaurant of the 4-star hotel of the Abbey of Villeneuve aux Sorcières, near Nantes. However, he decided to leave the furnaces of the city to go in full conflict.

It was in Przemysl, on the border between Poland and Ukraine, that he decided to put down his suitcases to prepare many meals. Dishes served to Ukrainian refugees after accepting the request of the NGO World Central Kitchen. A call he couldn’t ignore but didn’t think would last that long. Indeed, initially, the winner of Top chef was only supposed to stay one week in Ukraine. But seeing the chaos that reigned and the help the refugees needed, he could not return to France.

Unappreciated help

“I will stay until the situation is calmer”he assures our colleagues ofNews Nantes before adding: “I don’t know when I’ll be back. Every week, I say to myself: the next one, I’m going back to France. But there’s always something going on. It’s complicated”. But this situation does not really seem to be appreciated on the side of the restaurant for which he works…

Indeed, Sukhangad Singh assured that his bosses do not are not very happy”. Having used all his days off, his employers are starting to find the time long and have therefore asked him to write a letter of resignation. A situation that obviously worries the one who went to Ukraine to help people in need. “We are a little worried as we are buying a house and it could be a big problem with our bank loan, but I also understand my employer’s position”he worries while showing lucidity.

See also: URGENT – Death of Antoine Alléno, son of the famous three-star chef Yannick Alléno in a dramatic accident in Paris


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