Big settling of scores between Dany Boon and Kad Merad in “C à vous”… Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine and her stunned columnists!

Dany Boon and Kad Merad are back on screen together! On April 19, their admirers will be able to find them in a new comedy called “Life for real” directed by the ex-companion of Yaël Harris. The work transcribes the story of Tridan Lagache who lived a good part of his life in a Club Med located in Mexico.

But overnight, the latter decides to leave his stronghold to find Violette, his childhood sweetheart. For this, he flew to Paris and the surprises will not be lacking. The main interested party also meets Louis (played by Kad Merad), his half-brother whom he did not know. A moving encounter for the two men who will – one thing leading to another – get to know each other.

This Friday April 14, 2023, Kad Merad and Dany Boon were invited to the set of “C à vous” to promote this new work. The opportunity for them to confide behind the scenes of the shooting. During the show, the two stars also lifted the veil on their cohabitation which lasted the time to box the film.

“I offered him to sleep at my house while shooting in the studio and it’s my mistake, I know”, dropped Dany Boon, causing laughter around him. “I wrote a book that will be out soon…”, “I’ll go sleep at your house”, then completed the husband of Julia Vignali. “He emptied the wine cellar! Is that true?!”, asked Mohamed Bouhafsi, teasingly. Neither one nor two, the director hastened to reveal everything on the air.

see also:

“He didn’t want me to put on panties…”

“We were shooting a great scene, we came home and each time he said to me ‘Ah, it’s great what we did today. Wouldn’t we open a little bottle?’ But until the wrap party […]”confirmed Dany Boon. “But don’t tell everything!”, replied Kad Merad, laughing. To balance the exchange, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine ended up slipping: “The word is on the defense”.

“First of all, he has a very small cellar of nothing at all. Nah, he had rather pleasant wines […]. Me, I was already making dinner to begin with. Ah, you’re not saying?!”, retorted Dany Boon’s sidekick. “Dany, he arrives, he acts as the busy one, the director. But we rehearsed every night, that was the advantage of being together […]”. Thus for several weeks, Kad Merad therefore distinguished himself behind the stove.

“He gave me a little apron… Nothing underneath. He didn’t want me to put on panties […]”, joked the actor. “And so I was there like that, plus it’s a ridiculous thing with two pans drawn […] Something ugly […]”.“But you could have asked for a butt liner to cook at this time”underlined Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, amused. “No, but luckily he wasn’t naked!”corrected Dany Boon, in turn releasing countless anecdotes about his essential partner.


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