Big hassle for Antoine de Maximy during the last filming of “I will go to sleep with you”

With his hit show “I will go to sleep at your place”, Antoine de Maximy revolutionized the world of TV programs in his own way. Open-minded and adventurous, Lucie’s dad loves to explore the world on a daily basis. The opportunity for him to honor countless cultures through his reports. During his travels, the presenter loves to meet many people!

“It’s not Beijing Express!” First, I have 25 kg of material. It has to be put somewhere, either in my car or at the hotel. Then I’m not going to force people’s hands if they don’t want to take me in for the night,” explained Antoine de Maximy for The liberated Dauphiné.“I will tease them and bullshit them but only the solid ones. I never take advantage of the weak. My goal isn’t necessarily to sleep in the end, it’s more to play with the encounter and for there to be this reciprocal surprise. »

“I discovered that there was a whole protocol…”

This Thursday, November 24, 2022, the latter gave his news on Instagram. The opportunity for him to present the next issue of ” I will sleep at your house “ which was filmed in Ghana. As usual, the director gave some anecdotes on the set. “Tomorrow I’m taking you to Ghana, a trip I made in 2010. “I started with Cape Coast by the sea. There I met Fynn, a young film enthusiast who teaches theater and who spontaneously invited me to sleep at his place! », underlined Antoine Maximy.

Unfortunately for him, nothing went as planned afterwards… “But in Accra, the capital, things got tough. People didn’t like being filmed, or even being filmed in the streets. Fortunately I met Robert who welcomed me. I ended my trip in Tamale, in the north of the country. After finding a motorcycle I went to a village with the idea of ​​spending the night there. I asked to meet the chef and I discovered that there was a whole protocol…”, concluded the star. So, see you this Friday, November 25 on RMC discovery to learn more about his journey…


to see also: Antoine de Maximy as a couple: the host presents Magalie his pretty companion!

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