Big enthusiasm for the purchase of electric vehicles

The drastic increase in the price of gasoline and climate change have created a huge craze at the Montreal Electric Vehicle Show, where thousands of people went this weekend.

• Read also: The Car Guide at the Electric Vehicle Show

• Read also: Come see us at the Electric Vehicle Show

“I drive a minivan with my family. It’s starting to cost me too much gas. We obviously came here to find an electric vehicle that will pollute less, too, ”says Adriana Esparza, while sitting behind the wheel of a model to try.

The Journal spoke with more than a dozen Quebecers who went to the show on Saturday with the same objective in mind. Everyone spoke of the price of gasoline, which has jumped in recent weeks, as a “wake-up call”.

There was certainly euphoria in the air at the Olympic Stadium, where this event takes place until today.

Adriana Esparza, who has just tested a car that she plans to buy to no longer depend on gasoline.

Photo Francis Pilon

Adriana Esparza, who has just tested a car that she plans to buy to no longer depend on gasoline.

The site was so crowded that it was sometimes difficult to move from one exhibitor to another. Participants also faced long queues before trying out a car.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve seen so many people in one place for an auto show. It feels good to start our traditions over again, ”says Ghislaine Beauregard, all smiles.

Deadlines too long

Others, like Montrealer Monique Vaillant, would like delivery times for an electric car to be shorter. Indeed, the lack of inventory has complicated the situation since the start of the pandemic.

Result ? The wait for an electric vehicle is approximately one year in Quebec.

“It’s long, but we have no choice. I just sold my vehicle which used a lot of gas. We came to shop for electric cars and try them here because we haven’t made our choice yet,” said Montrealer Monique Vaillant.

Luc St-Denis affirms for his part that “the Government of Quebec should give more incentives to Quebecers who swap their gas-powered cars for electric ones”.

Scooter Featured

Electric vehicles - Montreal

Young and old rushed to try out the electric scooters on a track inside the stadium. Several adults told the Log want to use it to get to work this summer.

Buses 100% electric

Electric vehicles - Montreal

This 100% electric bus was the only one on display at the Montreal Show. It can travel a distance of over 278 km on a single charge and carry 41 passengers.

Not just cars

Jany and her son Anthony Attal were very happy to see that the show exhibited vehicles other than cars.

“We came to see the electric bikes. With the price of gas, I’m thinking of using it to travel to Quebec this summer and get to work. My guy likes scooters too. He is also very aware of climate change and loves ecology. He motivates us,” laughs Jany Attal.

A tiny house behind your truck

Dozens of people lined up on Saturday to visit a mini-house that can be self-sufficient in energy thanks to solar panels. It even hooks up behind a pickup truck for long road trips.

Bike for to travel

With the good weather finally returning to Quebec, many people considered buying an electric bike on Saturday. However, according to several exhibitors offering this product, it should not be delayed since the shortage of these bicycles is increasingly felt.

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