big discomfort between two candidates of Married at first sight at the time of the wedding night

Eddy and Jennifer are about to spend their first night together. A moment that seems to have taken a long time to come. And for good reason, it has been weeks since the candidate of Married at first sight 6 prepares us for that moment. Indeed, the young man found himself faced with a dilemma: how will he sleep on the evening of the wedding night?

It must be said that Eddy is a fan of dodo in the simplest device. Besides, this insistence on this subject earned him many mockeries from Internet users since he talked a lot about “his chipolata”.

For her part, Jennifer has been criticized a lot for her attitude towards her future husband. Accused of being too distant, the beautiful blonde made an update on this subject on Instagram on May 12, saying: “Because this photo is representative of what we have experienced. Emphasize blockages, fear, anxiety that are present throughout the experience, but which should not take over the story that we are living at this moment because through the images that you see, 30 seconds out of the hours that we were able to share (…) I have to react how because what I decide to get married, to say yes? I have to act like we’ve been together for weeks? Kissing, sleeping together? We don’t know each other, we discover each other (…) We are husband and wife, at this moment , it’s ringing in my head. He’s your Husband! But at this stage, it’s still just a word for me. It’s not yet what I feel right away (…) I I know it was going to be difficult, the interpretation would be all the more difficult, but not as difficult as this complicity that we had at that time… Will it be shown? Or will we tell another story? distance e, barrier throughout the experience to come? I think it’s good, we got it“.

This Monday, May 23, 2022 at bedtime, Jennifer finds herself in trouble. And for good reason, she does not feel ready to share this moment with her husband. “I’m not well because I don’t want you to take it badly and that we have to tell each other things but I don’t see myself sleeping with you (…) it stresses me out” she blurted out.

To which Eddy replied, “Jwouldn’t go on the couch for my own pride. Now we’re married for better and for worse. My place is in the marital bed and not on the sofa... it promises ! Case to follow in the next episode.


See also: Production singled out

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