Big challenge for Hockey Quebec: the federation unveils the independent report on its governance

When he arrived as general manager of Hockey Quebec, Jocelyn Thibault promised a change of culture. With the recommendations that are published in the independent report of BNP Performance, he has obtained a good basis on the files on which he must work in the coming years.

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The twenty-page document, which was presented to members and representatives of the administrative regions on Friday evening, reveals the issues of roles and governance.

An aspect that Thibault had already noticed since taking office.

“It was very important to reframe the role of Hockey Quebec,” said the former NHL goaltender. We have a role of manager of our sport.

“Regions and minor hockey associations are autonomous. Sometimes we asked for things, but we had no answers. It was to be accompanied in our approach by an independent firm.

“We received ten recommendations and we want to implement them. We need better accountability and better alignment from top to bottom. You can’t miss that curve. »

A revolution

The chairman of Hockey Quebec’s board of directors, Claude Fortin, does not hesitate to speak of a “revolution” within the federation.

“There are major changes coming in terms of the composition of the board of directors with a matrix and a term of office,” he explained. There will be well-defined things to ensure succession and the sustainability of the organization.

“We are at a very important moment in the federation. You have to go back to 2002 to witness a major change like this. »

Justice Cromwell’s report on the governance of Hockey Canada was a benchmark in the HQ process.

“There are elements that we used,” added Fortin. We have evolved in the progress of the file. »

A second independent report will be delivered in September. Always by BNP Performance. This revolution could take several years to complete according to Thibault and Fortin.

The famous base

Since the beginning of his term, Thibault has become aware of the state of relations between his federation, the regions and the associations. It’s not always good.

“We have to make sure with our regions that we connect well with our associations,” said the director general. Our role is to generate policies and programs and to accompany our base in this delivery.

“If they need resources, it’s our job to support them and not take their place. »

Lasting changes

Over the past few decades, we have often seen announcements or reports on minor hockey from Hockey Quebec.

Will this report allow this federation to make lasting changes to revive this sport in Quebec? We will know in the next few years.

One thing is certain. The challenge for Jocelyn Thibault and the board of directors is significant. If they want it to work, it will take concrete action on their part. And on the other, the regions and local associations will have to buy the plan from their federation. Easier said than done, but the intentions are there.


  1. Reframing the mission of your federation
  2. Creation of a position dedicated to hockey operations
  3. Creation of a position that will aim to support the practice of governance at Hockey Québec, but also in the administrative regions and minor hockey associations
  4. A complete overhaul of the Standing Committee of the Regions
  5. Have Hockey Quebec employees in each region in order to be aware of the reality of each of them
  6. Deploy a governance framework at all levels of Hockey Québec
  7. Hockey Quebec must get closer to its base and be more present on the field
  8. Obtain greater independence between the HQ Board of Directors and its various committees
  9. Have a more complete code of ethics and training for its directors on this subject
  10. Obtain ministerial recognition to have legitimacy in their actions

*Source: BNP Performance report

A lighter task for volunteers

The Goal Foundation

The link between Hockey Quebec and its administrative regions has been scrutinized by the independent firm. There is work to be done before efficiency is optimal.

Among the recommendations of the independent report, there is that of completely overhauling the Standing Committee on the Regions. Some regional presidents might cringe at this point.

“We want to help the regions. Accompany them, indicated Jocelyn Thibault. Subsequently, we want the regions to support their minor associations.

“Our model is based on volunteering. More and more, there are permanent workers settling in the regions. It’s the same thing in associations.

“When you look at our current model in 5 or 10 years, it’s alarming. We want to take a load off the volunteers by supporting them and do the same for those of tomorrow. »

An innovation

This weekend, Hockey Quebec will innovate with the presentation of the report to its members. In one room, there will be the permanent commission of the regions with the board of directors.

And in another room, Thibault will have operational discussions with other members of the regions.

“We want to demonstrate the direction we want to take and raise awareness of the role of politics in terms of strategic direction and governance,” said the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Claude Fortin.

“Our goal is not to impose ourselves in the regions, but to support them and give them help. That’s what they need. »

Charest is aware

Sports Minister Isabelle Charest received a copy of the report.

“She is aware of our procedures and information from the board of directors, underlined Thibault. We are well aligned with it.

“The right of management is important and it is fundamental that she agrees. She is satisfied and she supports our efforts. »

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