Bestselling British author Sophie Kinsella’s next book could be titled: The shopaholic spends his tokens… for nothing.
The actress Joëlle Paré-Beaulieu emptied her pockets to take two precious necklaces from the store Big Brother Celebrities, extremely busy in the last few days. Like the Sephora in a shopping center during spring break, it’s hell, shut up.
Despite her judicious and carefully planned purchases, Joëlle was unable to save her ally of the last seven weeks, the knight Daniel Savoie, who perished in a duel against the formidable Olympian Charles Hamelin.
And it was a stressful, difficult and unpredictable test between the screenwriter Daniel Savoie and the athlete Charles Hamelin, two of the alpha players of Big Brother Celebritieswho were fighting to a) get back in the house and b) immunity for next week.
Charles narrowly won the challenge, slowing down Daniel’s triumphant return, which had been brewing on the sly for a week.
All that was missing was a small red domino for the ingenious and ambitious plan orchestrated by Joëlle, Daniel and their new accomplice Frédérique Turgeon, who finally revealed her exclusion from the alliance without a name, to come to fruition. It would have been worthy of a Hollywood script if Daniel had upstaged Charles and hung the protective medallion around his neck.

The actress Joëlle Paré-Beaulieu
Loyal and determined, Daniel wanted to go through redemption, he said he was 100% ready. He even used his red veto to spare Joëlle, instead of removing himself from the elimination block and thus gaining an extra week in the game.
Joëlle paid dearly to double the weight of her vote and cancel that of comedian Danick Martineau. What had not been foreseen in this great stratagem was the turnaround of content creator Gabrielle Marion, who betrayed her alliance to keep Frédérique, known as Fredski, in place. To quote Gabrielle Marion: “I am in extreme doubt and it could be that at any moment, I capsize”.
And yes, Gabrielle changed sides, you were wrong! Danick Martineau and Charles Hamelin, who form the unbreakable duo Batman and Robin, immediately noted this: “the girls are together,” they declared in the tone of those who would have solved Father Fouras’ most complex enigma at Fort Boyard.

Content creator Gabrielle Marion
Very happy that Gabrielle Marion listened to her heart rather than her head. We agree that the boys (Dave Morgan, Danick Martineau and Charles Hamelin) would have thrown her under the bus at the first opportunity.
Also, like the rules of Big Brother Celebrities move for the last three weeks, Gabrielle’s mini-revolt won’t affect her relationships in the house too much. In fact, the disappearance of the position of boss torpedoes almost all the alliances put in place.
The final six contestants now compete for their own survival in what host Marie-Mai called the reality TV playoffs.
The departure of Daniel Savoie, an involved and motivated participant, remains heartbreaking. The duo he formed with Joëlle was frankly more interesting to follow than that of Danick and Charles. And unlike Dave or Gabrielle, Daniel was not content to be the green plant in the purple room. He and Joëlle visited the store hidden behind the lockers 10 times. To plan a hot shot. To prevent an attack from the opposing clan. To check if any benefits had disappeared.
Daniel and Joëlle even managed to bring Frédérique back into their fold, she who had long resisted this move to the West because of her loyalty to Gabrielle, who nevertheless repeated all her secrets to Dave, Charles and Danick. The feeling of guilt clearly played in Gabrielle’s head: how could she have dismissed the one who provided her for free, without any request in return, with the answer to a rebus worth six tokens?

Speed skating athlete Charles Hamelin
You have to give her this: Frédérique played the angry, frustrated and confused candidate well about what happens next. It almost felt like the Oscars, which were playing on the other station, on CTV.
The reckless Daniel Savoie took a huge risk, the biggest of this season which has little downtime thanks to the series of twists that the production deploys. These reversals prevent long sequences where one dominant faction defeats the other without the possibility of turning the tide.
Daniel made a noble, courageous and perilous gesture. This is what we like to see Big Brother Celebrities : people who dare and who orchestrate Machiavellian strategies, even if it means suffering eviction. Joëlle was much less brave than Daniel by placing Jean Airoldi on the block instead of Dave Morgan. She will bite her fingers when she watches the episodes.
It’s all the more disappointing since Daniel is leaving at the dawn of the “era of champions”, where he would have excelled. As his hockey character Patrice Lemieux would say, Daniel Savoie had the “physical condiment” and all the “opportunities” to win the jackpot.